Dyan Pratt PhD, P.Eng.
Research Engineer and Project ManagerDyan has been a research engineer at the UofS for the past 11 years. Areas of interest and expertise include agricultural waste containment, contamination and utilization; contaminant transport; mine reclamation research; tracking water movement using stable isotopes of water; experimental project design and fabrication.
Peer Reviewed
Millar, C., Pratt, D.L., Schneider, D. and J.J. McDonnell. (2018) A Comparison of Extraction Systems for Plant Water Stable Isotope Analysis. Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry. 32(13).
Pratt, D. L. and T. A. Fonstad (2018). Speciation and Geochemical Implications of Carcass Burial Leachate in Soil and Groundwater. Transactions of the ASABE. 61(2).
Pratt, D.L. and T.A. Fonstad. (2017). Geochemical evolution and leachate transport beneath two carcass burial sites: A Field Investigation. Transactions of the ASABE. (Accepted, in press)
Pratt, D.L. and J.J. McDonnell. (2017). A portable experimental hillslope for frozen-ground studies. Hydrological Processes. (Accepted, in press)
Pratt, D.L. and T.A. Fonstad. (2017). Geochemical modeling of livestock mortality leachate transport through the subsurface. Biosystems Engineering. (Accepted, in press)
Orlowski, N., Pratt, D.L., and J.J. McDonnell. (2016). Intercomparison of soil pore water extraction methods for stable isotope analysis. DOI 10.1002/hyp.10870
Pratt, D. L., Lu, M., Barbour, S.L. and M.J. Hendry. (2016). An evaluation of materials and methods for vapour measurement of the isotopic composition of pore water in deep, unsaturated zones. Isotopes in environmental and health studies. (Accepted)
Huang, M., Zettl, J.D., Barbour, S.L. and D.L. Pratt. (2016). Characterizing the spatial variability of the hydraulic conductivity of reclamation soils using air permeability. Geoderma 262. 285-293.
Hendry, M. J., Schmeling, E., Barbour, S.L., Wassenaar, L.I. and D.L. Pratt. (2015). Determining the stable isotope composition of pore water from saturated and unsaturated zone core- improvements to the direct vapour equilibration laser spectrometry method. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 19(11). 4427-4440.
Town, J., H. Annand, D. Pratt, T. Dumonceaux and T. Fonstad (2014). Microbial community composition is consistent across anaerobic digesters processing wheat-based fuel ethanol waste streams. Bioresource Technology 157(0). 127-133.
Pratt, D.L., Dumonceaux, T.J., Links, M.G. & T.A. Fonstad. 2012. Influence of Mass Burial of Animal Carcasses on the Types and Quantities of Microorganisms within a Burial Site. Transactions of the ASABE.
D.L. Pratt, 2009. Environmental Impacts of Livestock Mortalities Burial. M.Sc. Thesis, Department of Agricultural and Bioresource Engineering, University of Saskatchewan. May 2009. 130pp.
Conference Publications with Associated Presentations
Pratt, D.L. and J.M. Agnew (2015) Effect of leachate recirculation and use of feedstock specific inoculum on biogas production from solid state anaerobic digestion of cattails Presented at CSBE Conference, Edmonton, AB.
Pratt, D.L., Hendry, M.J., Barbour, S.L. and E. Schmeling. (2014) Optimizaation and configuration of a hydrocarbon gas removal system for the determination of d2H and d18O on Picarro CRDS. GSA Annual Meeting. Vancouver, British Columbia, 19-22 October. Session 161-2, 2014.
Pratt, D. L., J. M. Agnew, T. A. Fonstad and J. R. Town (2014). Solid State Bench-scale Anaerobic Digestion of Culled Potatoes and Manure. ASABE and CSBE/SCGAB Annual International Meeting. Montreal, QC, ASABE.
Amos, M., S. L. Barbour, D.L. Pratt, B. Si and J. Sharp (2014). Development of a Time Domain Reflectometry Sensor for Cone Penetration Testing. GEO Regina, Regina, SK.
Gillis, C., J. Agnew and D. L. Pratt (2014). Solid State Pilot Scale Anaerobic Digestion of Culled Potatoes and Manure. ASABE and CSBE/SCGAB Annual International Meeting. Montreal, QC, ASABE.
Glanville, T., K. Stanford, T. Reuter, H. Simmons, P. Webb, D. L. Pratt and L. Nguyen (2013). Research, Policy, Response Capability, and Education Needs Identified by Participants of the 4th International Symposium on Managing Animal Mortality and Health Risk. 4th International Symposium on Managing Animal Mortality and Health Risk. Dearborn, MI.
Pratt, D. L., J. Agnew and T. A. Fonstad (2013). Anaerobic digestion of two feedstocks in a solid state system- Algae and Beef Carcass.
Pratt, D.L. and T.A. Fonstad. 2012. Leachate Movement beneath Two Carcass Burial Sites. Presented at 4th International Symposium- Managing Animal Mortalities, Products, By-products and Associated Health Risk. Detroit, MI.
Pratt, D.L., Dumonceaux, T.J. and T.A. Fonstad. 2012. Behavior of Microbial Communities beneath a Mortalities Burial Site using CPN-60 Taxonomic Profiling. Presented at 4th International Symposium: Managing Animal Mortalities, Products, By-products and Associated Health Risk. Detroit, MI.
Pratt, D.L., Dumonceaux, T.J. and T.A. Fonstad. 2012. Using Novel Taxonomic Profiling Techniques to Evaluate Microbial Communities in Soil beneath a Mortalities Burial Site. Presented at 4th International Symposium- Managing Animal Mortalities, Products, By-products and Associated Health Risk.
Pratt, D.L., Dumonceaux, T.J. and T.A. Fonstad. 2010. Determination of Microbial Communities beneath Livestock Burial Sites. Presented at the 2010 ASABE North Central Intersectional Conference Meeting. Saskatoon, SK. ASABE Publication No. MBSK10-103. 14 pages Oct. 8, 2010
Pratt, D.L. and T.A. Fonstad. 2009. Livestock Mortalities Burial Leachate Chemistry After Two Years Decomposition. Presented at the 2009 ASABE International Meeting, Reno, NV. June 21-23, 2009. ASABE Publication No. 095705.
Pratt, D.L. and T.A. Fonstad. 2009. Livestock Mortalities Burial Leachate Chemistry After Two Years Decomposition. Presented at the 3rd International Symposium on Management of Animal Carcasses, Tissues and Related By-products. Davis, CA. July 21-23, 2009
Pratt, D.L. and T.A. Fonstad. 2009. Geochemical Implications of Livestock Mortalities Burial. Presented at the 3rd International Symposium on Management of Animal Carcasses, Tissues and Related By-products. Davis, CA. July 21-23, 2009.
Pratt, D.L. & T.A. Fonstad. 2006. Livestock Mortalities Burial Leachate Chemistry- The First Nine Months. Presented at the 2006 ASABE/CSBE North Central Intersectional Meeting. Saskatoon, SK. Paper No. MBSK 06-303